
Friends, Memories And More

Happy Friendship Day said Facebook to me. I smiled. Really!!! I mean do I really need one particular day to celebrate the existence of my friends? Personally, I do not. My friends matter a lot to me. I do not need one day in a year to acknowledge their presence. In fact they have quietly walked into my life and stood by me at all times.  I still remember when I was a kid, with my pigtails swaying behind as I danced on my way to school. There were days when I would get late for the morning assembly. My buddies would fill up my space and quietly let me sneak in when the classes were dispersed. There were days when lunch boxes were swapped and food breaks were celebrated. And then, a time came when I reached college. Come what may and try hard as I could, I would invariably end up missing the first class of the day. Yet again, my buddies would mark me present and jot down points for me. I vividly remember the days we would all bunk our classes only to sit in the cafeteria for a l